Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 22-Addicted

Day 22-

What have I learned the most about myself and humans through this journey?

We are easily addicted and entrapped by sometimes very simple things, sometimes more complex.

Hi, my name is Natalie Robison, and I'm addicted to carbs, sugar, and food.

Just had to say that. I need to say it out loud.

I'm grateful it's not alcohol, porn, or gambling. But I have a serious addiction with food and this love affair is only hurting me.

I have no food pictures, no new recipes.

I think you could call today a total failure.

Why is it that day 22 was my worst? Why not day 2, or day 17, but 22? More than halfway through, and I completely CAVE into my food love's.

I have more sympathy for addicts than ever before. I can't even go 30 days without eating sugar or bread or a tortilla! Seriously, people.

It started off on the wrong foot.

Woke up really late today, didn't juice, rushed to church, was starving at 1:00pm church.
 Ate a baggie full of Stacey's pita chips. 
Ate half a cucumber upon arriving back at home after church.
Cafe Rio at my sisters. Brought my own sprouts and spinach to make mine into a salad.
Ate three tortillas.
Mad at myself, so I decided to eat a chocolate revel bar she made.

I've now spoken my sins.

Please forgive me.

Tomorrow is thankfully a new day.


  1. Soooooooo "get you" on the addiction part! I've known for years that food (and especially sugar!) is my "drug of choice." It's also a great comfort when things get tough. Glad to hear you are dealing with your emotional baggage, as well as your bootie :-) However, I've never seen you NOT look good!

  2. Lori! Thank you :) As I'm sure you know, sometimes when I looked ok on the outside to others, I was dying on the inside and having terrible thoughts about myself. This has definitely been a journey and one I'm still working on everyday! :) Thanks again!!!
